Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Is Bio Oil Really the Beauty Product of the Year?

Bio Oil is the Oscar award winner of the beauty world. This alluring orange tinted oil has been showered with accolades from China to Europe as the favourite brand of top magazines, industry experts and popular opinion alike.

So does the darling of the beauty world deserve all this attention? In a word: yes.

In my journey into facial and body oils this year I knew I had to try this acclaimed oil which promises to smooth wrinkles, even skin tone and treat scars. Its uses are many and varied, aided by a relatively low price point and lovely fragrance. Women enjoy using it daily after their shower as well as using it as a moisturiser, hair oil and even lubricant. Bio Oil has won best product awards in the skin, pregnancy, anti aging and overall most popular categories . This product began its life as a pregnancy massage oil, used by Kim Kardashian and millions of pregnant women to combat stretch marks.

To see results you do have to both use it regularly, and massage it into the problem areas each time. Bio Oil did not however clear up scars or my facial cloasma and light freckles. The magic of this UK produced oil is a revolutionary ingredient PurCellin Oil which is apparently sourced from duck fat, as well as plant oils and vitamins mixed into a mineral base.

I do think however that it is greasy - if I'm in a hurry and swipe it on my face, my eyes start watering as it slides down into the eyes. It is not as heavy as pure natural oils. I like it and use it in combination with rosehip and argan oil and other moisturisers.

PROS: lovely scent, reduces wrinkles, evens skin tone, hydrates, use only a few drops, very cheap, not as heavy as oils

CONS: not organic, a lab-created skin oil lacking natural oils, requires massage into wrinkles in order to work

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